Alice Clinch

PhD Candidate in History of Art and Archaeology


Alice studies the art and architecture of the ancient Mediterranean, integrating scientific approaches to the study of craft practices with a focus on pigment production and painted plaster. Her dissertation provides the first formal analysis and publication of material from three archaeological sites in Greece and Sicily, investigating the use of pigments in domestic decoration from the Classical to Late Hellenistic periods. Alice’s research has been generously supported by grants and fellowships from the A. G. Leventis Foundation, the Leverhulme Trust, the Fitch Laboratory of the British School at Athens, and the Getty Conservation Institute, amongst others. Alice has conducted fieldwork in Greece, Italy and Cyprus and is currently active on a number of projects in Greece and Italy as the specialist in pigments and painted architecture.

In 2024 Alice is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Early-Stage Research Fellow at the Science and Technology in Archaeology and Culture Research Centre (STARC) at The Cyprus Institute in the framework of the Horizon 2020 MSCA Innovative Training Network, “Training the next generation of archaeological scientists: Interdisciplinary studies of pre-modern Plasters and Ceramics from the eastern Mediterranean”.

