Ksenia Un

Ph.D. Candidate in History of Art and Visual Studies


Ksenia’s research critiques how official visual culture promoted the representation of Slavic and Eastern Orthodox dominance in the former territories of the late Russian Empire. Her dissertation works across media including photography, ornament, and painting. Ksenia is currently an advisory board member of the Cambridge Courtauld Russian Art Centre. In her teaching of art and visual histories from the nineteenth century to the contemporary, Ksenia encourages ways of seeing which work against disciplinary legacies that are constitutive of empires, past and present.

Ksenia received an MPhil from the University of Cambridge, where she analyzed architectural commissions in nineteenth-century Finland. She has presented her work at conferences hosted by the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES), College Art Association (CAA), and University of York. Prior to her academic pursuits, Ksenia worked in the education and exhibitions departments of institutions including the American Federation of Arts, International Center of Photography, and Guggenheim Museum.
