Visual Studies Undergraduate Minor Application


Please complete the form with all of the requested information. Once submitted, the Undergraduate Coordinator will reach out with questions or to confirm that your minor has been approved and declared.

Semester, year

Requirements for the minor include:

  • The core course, Introduction to Visual Studies (VISST 2000).
  • One Practice course; these are typically courses that combine some kind of “hands on” practice component (such as: performance, art, curating, film, dance, or music) with some theory behind the practice.  Only two Practice courses may count towards the requirements.
  • Three additional VISST or ARTH courses. Any courses not coded as VISST or ARTH must be approved by the Department of History of Art & Visual Studies. Email course information including any syllabi to the Undergraduate Coordinator to seek approval of non-VISST or ARTH courses for minor use.
  • No more than two courses from the minor may be double-counted toward a student's major.  All courses must be taken for a letter grade and receive a grade of B – or above.

Please indicate the semester/year you completed or plan to complete these courses:

Semester Completed Year Completed
Semester Completed Year Completed
Course # and Title Semester Year
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